Helping Georgia's Businesses Take Advantage Of Growth Opportunities
When individual business owners and corporations see an opportunity to expand their businesses, combine their ventures or sell their companies, they turn to Lindsey & Lacy, PC, for advice and assistance.
Located in Peachtree City, Lindsey & Lacy, PC, represents individual investors and businesses throughout Fayetteville, the South Atlanta metro area and the state achieve their business goals through mergers and acquisitions.
Facilitating Mergers And Acquisitions
Our firm helps private equity investors, retiring business owners and corporations throughout Georgia take advantage of business opportunities and achieve their business and financial goals through mergers and acquisitions. Our attorneys assist in all types of mergers and acquisitions, including corporate restructuring, leveraged buyouts and asset acquisitions and divestitures.
At Lindsey & Lacy, PC, we take a comprehensive approach to solving our clients' legal and business needs. We examine both the short- and long-term financial and business implications of every proposed business acquisition to help clients avoid common missteps and take advantage of opportunities.
Our attorneys assist corporations during every stage of the merger and acquisition process, including:
- Business valuation
- Drafting letters of intent
- Performing due diligence
- Drafting and reviewing purchase/merger agreements
- Satisfying any necessary conditions of the agreement
- Investigating warranties and representations
What Happens After Retirement?
When small-business owners near retirement, many worry what will become of the businesses they've spent years building. At Lindsey & Lacy, PC, we help business owners plan for what's next.
Many business owners want to keep their companies in the family. In these cases, our attorneys develop business succession plans that transfer ownership interests to the next generation. Other business owners choose to sell their companies.
At Lindsey & Lacy, PC, we do our due diligence, and thoroughly examine our clients' businesses to ensure they are properly valued. We then facilitate mergers and assist during the sale of business interests to ensure our clients get the full value of their life's work.
Schedule Your Consultation
Contact Lindsey & Lacy, PC, at 770-486-8445 schedule a consultation with an experienced Peachtree City business merger lawyer about the future of your business.